This course includes our updated coding exercises so you can practice your skills as you learn.
Module 1 : Fundamentals of web design
Even if you’re a total web design beginner, you’ll learn how to build superb websites
Module 2 : how to get hosting &domain
Set up your own low cost, reliable web hosting for your website,
Search for and purchase the ideal domain name for your website (it’s easy!)
Module 3 : Learn how to create great websites
Learn how to create great websites for your own business, for your hobby, or to sell to other businesses
Module 4 : React Foundation
Learn the fundamentals of React, like JSX, React components, and props.
Module 5 : State Management in React
Dive into React’s state management with a focus on States, Lifecycle Methods, and Hooks, enhancing your skills for dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
Module 6 : Routing , Context API in React
Learn to navigate between pages seamlessly (Routing), manage data efficiently (Context API), and enhance app organization (Redux Integration).
Module 7 : How to start making money
You will Learn How to start making money with frontend tech skill, using various freelancing platforms e.g Fiver , Upwork.
Boost your Website Design Career by getting Certified By Linkon Net Institute
Follow a structured learning path, access resources, and practice with mock exams before acing your certification!
Thanks to Linkon net Technologies unique training experience, I acquired in a few months the necessary skills to integrate the world of UX Design and develop innovative solutions that meet users’ needs.
UI/UX Student
My training at Linkon net allowed me to build the foundation of necessary skills to integrate the world of UX Design and develop innovative solutions that meet users’ needs.
I have succeeded in my professional reconversion from civil engineer to UX designer! Backed by the whole community, I landed my first job in just one month! My new job is very rewarding!